My Teen Cutting Story

I am 14 and I have cut for the past year.

I dont cut that often but when its too much I do. I started right after my 14th birthday. Everything just started coming up so much happened. My cousins who were my best friends were no longer allowed to see me. It killed me on the inside. That was four years before I started. Then there was all kinds of stress and drama at school, something always happening. Someone starting stuff. Something was the matter with a friend. There was all kinds of things.

I had alot of people that would stand by me. We all had stuff in common we stuck together. We cut. Not all of us but most. We didnt like it to much but we became known as "emo" "goth" "bi and lez". We wernt any of these. Sure some of us did cut. but most of us tried to keep our relationship with God. and we all were straight. Did that phase the rest of the school? did they even ask us? talk to us? No of course not. and they just assumed we cut because of our style. and most of us didnt/dont. It was easier to deal with when we stuck together. We had tons of drama for Junior High students. When other groups didnt have drama they decided to mess with us. I heard this out of their own mouths. It was like wow thats just mean.

And I had my 3 best friends they are my sisters. We stuck together threw thick and thin. Threw everything we faced. But when I was by myself. It got to me. I cut. I couldnt haddle anything. It was too much I felt alone. It was as if I coudnt figure out which way was up at some moments. I was lost.

And that continued actually up until a week ago. I wanted to get my life in order. I wanted to stop cutting and to get back with my relationship with God, that somewhere along the lines slipped threw the cracks.

I am still struggling with it. Im not to sure how to stop. But when I think of when I wake up in the middle of the night to a text from my friend saying, "Im so sad I just want to cut." It helps me to think of why to stop. It hurts me so much when they cut.But when I tell them that I do, they just kinda blow it off. As if im suposed to?

When I cut it just takes away all the pain for the moment. Its like everything that Im worrying about having trouble with just fades away. It lets me forget. Even though I regret it later I do it again. When the scares fade. I really dont know what to do. I know the difference between right and wrong. I know its wrong, but thats not enough to stop. If someone would say stop dont do that. If they could know how much it hurts. But God does know how much it hurts and thats why I trust him to help me. I know he can, if I could trust myself first.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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I dont have a titile
by: Anonymous

Take time and think about how this is affecting you.

When your kids are 12 and 13 and they ask " What were you like when you were a teenager? " are you going to stop now and say " I had a great teenage life. " without lieing, or are you going to ruin your teenage years and lie to your childrens faces?

How do you think your parents would feel if they' found out that their daughter was hurting herself to feel better? Do you like seeing your friends in pain, and causing themselves more pain to make them feel better?

DO you think that anyone would vote for you or a friend to be class president or homecoming queen if they knew you were cutting yourself ans=d setting a horrible example?

Those younger kids on your street or in your neighbor hood that you play with and babysit, do you want to hurt them by causing yourself pain? Setting an example for them? So when they are 14 and are having a rough time, they end up cutting themselves?

Take some time to think about what your doing. How much pain your calling yourself and other people. The effect of what your doing now that will be in your future.

Do you really know God?
by: Sarah

Dear sister,

I feel that you sense that there is something wrong with your life but you don't know what. You try to justify your actions and that of your friends, or even justify how God thinks of you.

God has a reason for everything He lets happen in your life, and there's always something for you to learn out of it. God is everywhere, and He knows everything that goes on in your life, and He knows every thought you have, and every feeling you go through.

You have a lot of hatred and unforgiveness in your life, and that's not the way to live. God has good plans for you, God wants you to be loved, and to love others.

John 13:34 "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

And we are not to choose who to love. But God says we are to love even our enemies. Because God did it, He loved us even though we are so unlovable, even though we have sinned so much, He still loved us and forgave our sins. So, we are to do the same, we are to love and forgive those who have hurt us, whether or not they deserve it or not. That is Grace - undeserved favour.

I am sorry to say this, but I believe that you are in no position to tell your friend to stop cutting, because you cut yourself. If you really care for your friends, and if you love God, you will make the right choice, and that is to do what He commands.

1 Corinthians 6:19
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

You must take care of your body, that is a command from God. And you must love others even when they do not deserve it. You must love God and worship Him.

But you know what? We are just human. And there are so many things we cannot do by ourselves. But our God is a kind God, and He will not leave us alone to face our problems and challenges. He is here to help us. All you need to do is to pray to Him, to ask Him for help, to ask Him for faith, for strength and for a miracle. God is a God of miracles. You may know God, but do you have Him in your heart? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Do you know that He longs to be close to you?

If God speaks to you today, don't ignore Him. Listen to what He has to say and surrender your life to Him. Surrender all to Him. Ask Him to help you.

And one day I believe you will live the life that God has planned for you. And you will be able to look back on your life and say that God is good, and share your testimony to many other girls who need to hear of God's love and grace.

Praying for you.

by: nici

This past year my cousins were told they were not allowed to talk to me and the moved. I went to God and even though it was hard God helped me through it. Don't ruin the best years of your life call on God he'll be there for you. I will be praying. let me know how things are going.

Everything Happen for a Reason, Right?
by: Jenecie

Hey my name is Jenecie, Im 13. I had a question in my life. That question was, Why am I alive? All my life people have told me that everything negative has happened because of me. That hurts because that gives someone the second thought of Living. When I first committed, gave, and surrendered myself to God which was on August 24, 2007 I was New Born. But 2009 I became depressed. I cut myself a few time but regret it. Eventually I stopped because I was seeing that I was hurting other people more than myself, So with that said Please stop it Please. If you dont wana do it for God, do it for the people you love. Thanks! =D

Me too
by: Caitlin

I used to cut myself too. I understand how you feel, but God does more.

God knows what it's like to be in pain. Jesus Himself bears the scars of His pain, and ?by his wounds we are healed? (Isaiah 53:5). He knows what it?s like to be lonely, hurt, and scared. We are so special to Him, that Jesus suffered and died on the cross, so that we could be free from all the horrible things the world throws at us.

God doesn?t expect perfection from us, He just wants us to love Him and give over our troubles to Him. He created us and knew us even before we were born, and each of us is incredibly precious to Him.

Jesus said ?for only a cent you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father?s consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows? (Matthew 10:29-31).

I've learned many important lessons since I became a child of God, but this one I consider the most essential to my life. And that is that life is always better without a razor occupying the space of ?best friend.?

by: Anonymous

Im the one who wrote the story above. I don't cut anymore I know its wrong, I don't want to do anything thats harmful to my body that would dis-please God. I really don't know what I was thinking before. But I've really had alot of great friends at my side. I've always had a relationship with God, but sadly not a strong one. Im trying to fix that lately :) But anyways I wanted to say thank you all for your comments....Thank you for trying to help people when they need it.

Broken down Jesus girls :)
by: Anonymous

With every cut your body endures Jesus is hurting for you. Even before that blade touches your skin the pain in your heart is felt by your Father in heaven. Girls, this time in your lives will pass and you can come out on top if you just learn that the only reality that matters is our eternal reality.

i gotcha
by: Anonymous

I know exactly how you feel. I'm doing the butterfly thing. and just remembering that i promised my best friend and cousin that I would stop. I don't wanna hurt them anymore. just try. you'll be happier.

An hour against a lifetime
by: Anonymous

I know the feeling all too well. For me though it's jsut there. there is no real bigger reason like with u and feeling lonely.
Hon, i wish i could give you some brilliant advice that would lighten your life. but i can't. i've only managed to stp for few months at a time, but i've always gotten back to it.

Confide in someone, guess that's the best, though alspo the toughest advice. it took me a long time to do so, but i did and i started counselling few weeks ago. don't know yet if it's helping, but i hope it will.
telling someeone seems impossible, but always remember: what's an hour of feeling ashamed and explaining everything to an adult who will get oyu help against a lifetime of better times and happier moments?
hope it all works out for you. Stay strong, babe! <3

by: true blue

Cutting is not about getting attention or making someone like you its about releasing your emotions when you feel there is no other way.
I'm a 14 year old girl who cuts herself because she feels alone and abnormal. My name is Blue. I have depression and the only way I know how to cope is to hurt myself physically. People at school abuse me and make fun of how I look, the emptiness took over and now I have no where to go! I don't talk to the teachers at my school because my grandmother is the ISS supervisor and i dont want her to know what i do.i live with her so im suprised she doesnt already know... im always so terrified people will find out that i get the urge to cut more. someone help me!
and just so we are clear i know people like to think we enjoy "ripping ourselves open" but that my dear is a very false accusation we enjoy the relief and the sence of trust we have. we know that no matter how much we open up we cant tell people how we feel so we resort to this...
thank you

It won't be easy...
by: Anonymous

Dealing with cutting isn't easy, and I'm saying this from personal experience. There's been many days when I want to relapse then I remind my self " Is it really worth it?" The only thing you can do is surround yourself with friends and family. Not only that but think of how happy you will be 6 months from now where you can say I've been 6 months free of cutting my self, then as time goes on you can feel more accomplished. Will it be easy? No, but it will be worth it.

Stay Strong.

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