by claudia


I feel lonely and empty inside even though i am a christian,i ask Jesus to help me but i still feel empty and lonely inside and i feel even Jesus doesnt luv me

i have been married for over 20 years and my husband
could not have children,
i beleive marriage is for better or for worse and i have supported my husband but i still feel lonely.
I had a very lonely childhood were my parents were good providers but not there for me emotionaly while i grew up.i was left alone a lot because they had to work most the time
i a have a great fear of remaining alone especially in old age because i will be vunerable again like i was when i was a child.
i have good friends and a good church but this still doesnt help,the wounds are too deep,even when i go to church the focus is on children and family.
every where i go there is always a reminder
i dont know why i have this strong belief that happiness seems to be with having a family and children.
i am european and the family is very strong in our culture,may be that is why.i dont know

I have one brother who is abusive and we dont speak because he has done nothing but bullied and ridiculed me my whole life.

When i see other families with children i feel so hurt
i really dont know if the hurt has come from my past experiences with my family or not having children?
the past seems to be repeating itself.i am also having therapy regarding these issues but that doesnt help either

This society values only people who have a family and have children and the rest are outcasts. Which i find such an injustice.

I didnt choose what has happened to me i am victim of circumstances out of my control and still no healing comes
it is really sad that i look forward to leaving this planet because i find no peace nor happiness here.
can you please help



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by: Natty

I think all you need is something to give you purpose. Did you know that God was thinking about you before he created the whole entire world, and that he sculpted you and made you a life plan, and he's always by your side. He loves you so much that when you do something wrong and you ask him for forgiveness he gives you forgiveness jut like that wheter you deserve it or not, he loves so much that you will probably never be able to comprehend how powerful his love is for you, becuase it is beyond comprhendable. He sent his own son down to earth to die for your sins, really take that to heart, God sent his own son down to earth to die for your sins, and Jesus died without any reluctance, for your sins. That's how powerful his love is for you!! Whenever you feel bad that you don't have kids remember that you have a husband! Be thankful for what you do have instead of wishing for things you don't. And always have hope ,faith, and love for the lord, and espacially patience, have patience and hope for the lord when you pray. Also maybe if you start voulenteering it will take your mind off your worries, and give you a sense of purpose. And since you have a want for kids why not voulnteer with something kid-related. God is always by your side, and he's never leaving it.
Best wishes, love,

You Shall Sing Claudia!
by: Anonymous

Hi Claudia, read your story and so sorry for your pain. What anguish it must be to desire to be a mother and not have it fulfilled - we speak God's great comfort to you right now.
Claudia, because you never mentioned adoption, is your husband opposed to that? Is that a viable option?
Claudia, God love you - I mean, REALLY LOVES YOU. Is there a ministry of helps at your church whereby you could channel this desire of motherhood? Single mothers often need a weekend or even a day "off" , perhaps you could volunteer to have a child stay over or you could go to that mom's house and watch the baby so that she could do something as simple as take a nap or wash the clothes. If you don't have such a ministry, pose this to your pastor. You could even be a mentor to young ladies - there are so many avenues to being a "mother". That's what I did Claudia and it has proven to be such a great blessing.
Isaiah tells the barren woman to sing for she shall have more children than one who has given birth to children. Every joint supplieth Claudia, perhaps the part we supply is assistance, guidance and help to moms. The desire to nurture can really be fulfilled as you help that mother, mentor that young lady - God knows what He is doing. Ask Him to show you how to express that God-given love of children you possess. It's going to be awesome Claudia, a beautiful journey of discovering your call to be a mother. And as you obey His leadings,giving full expression of that burning passion that's in the core of your being, you too shall sing - that's His promise!
So forgive and let go of the past - put it behind you - see it under the Blood of Jesus and go forward into the future with a made up mind - "that was then" but praise God "this is now and I'm going forward with expectancy and joy for I am God's masterpiece, chiseled and chosen to make impact - to be a mother and mentor to God's daughters. I am important - I play a major part to this call of motherhood - I am a virtuous daughter of God, priceless and absolutely valuable! I shall SING forth His praises - I shall SING forth His goodness - YES! I SHALL SING!"
Blessings Claudia!

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