Colorado Youth Retreat

We had a great time camping in the mountains of Colorado with our youth group.

We went in July, but the mountains don't respect the seasons. The nights were frigid and the days were hot. The photos of me at the top and side of this post were taken from when I was teaching one of the morning sessions all bundled up. The sun had just started to peek out over the top of the mountain, so those in the sun were warmer than those in the shade.

We used the Next Curriculum from YM360 and I loved it. (You can read more about why I recommend their studies here.)

Over the course of the week, we went fishing, visited a tourist mountain town, went to a park so the kids could burn off some energy, went hiking, plus puttering around the camp. We had three group sessions each day, daily devotions on our own, and small groups. All in all, it was a fantastic week, and I know it was an experience that these kids will never forget.

More Photos From The Youth Retreat

About Heather Hart

Jesus, books. flowers, flip-flops, chocolate, and coca cola - those are a few of Heather's favorite things. She doesn't have it all together, but she's okay with that because she knows Christ has her covered when she fails. Her hope is that while she is struggling through this thing called life, she is pointing others towards Jesus along the way.

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