
by Lilly

Beauty is only skin deep, they say.

Then why the fuss and the musts
to make out outsides look beautiful today?
I don't want to cover up my face
with layers of foundation.
For I am not a house.
I do not need lipstick
to color my lips.
I'm not a clown.
I do not need eyeliner
to outline my eyes.
I am not a raccoon.
I do not need mascara
to lengthen my lashes.
I am not Miss America.

I am
A mermaid, swimming in crystal clear water.
A princess, with a kind spirit.
A brave warrior, charging through the jungle.
A poet, fingers clacking away at the keys.
A girl, with wet hair and glasses and braces.

I am beautiful and free.

Comments for Beauty

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True beauty lies with the inner man
by: Janice

some times we get enslaved by the ways of this world,whereby one may not feel comfortable stepping out of their house without applying makeup. But,true beauty lies not on the surface but comes from within us. If being saintlike and doing acts of varlour makes you feel beautiful,then bravo,way to go! As long as you are at peace with yourself,that is all that matters.

Love This!
by: Anonymous

I absolutely loved reading this! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

gods princess
by: hannah

this is the awesomeist poem i have ever seen! thanks!!!!!!!

by: Natalie

That's just a magnificent poem!! I loved it so much and I want to hear more, write another!! Your very creative and imaginative! That's exactly what I used to think when I put makeup on, I felt like a zombie, I knew I didn't need it but My hands were controlling me, makeup was controlling me but now I'm free!!

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