
okay, so ive written about him before. (see "classmate that is hard to show God's love to" and "S'ambrosia")

just to clear this up, i DONT like this guy. i love him as an enemy/friend/classmate/brother. its complicated. anyways, heres the story.
so my classmate was living in sin. then, out of obligation, i started to pray for him. then i started to want to pray for him. he started to change. i knew God was softening his heart. then, a few weeks ago, he became a Christian!!! my friend and i were SO happy! we cried and thanked God. then, earlier this week, we found out that he recently started cutting himself. we told our Bible teacher about it, and he said he would pray about it and try to help. then the we found out that my classmate's friends cut themselves, have drugs, and are trying to kill themselves. (in the past, even until recently, he has had many goth girlfriends. he JUST turned 13.) we then learned that he punched this other boy in the face and got kicked out of the elective he was in. then, when we thought it couldnt get any worse. we found out that he smokes. i almost crumbled in tears. i couldnt take it. "WHY????" i cried out to God, "WHY???" we told our teacher the whole story. then he got suspended for punching the other boy. now hes suspended, but were so afraid for his safety, his purity, and even his life. he said over and over, "i hate myself, i hate my life, i hate myself, i hate my life...." etc. yesterday, i saw the scars on his arm. he is either not a real CHristian, doesnt understand, or just isnt living out his faith. idk which one, but im discouraged. what should we do??? comment and PRAY!!!!!!!!!

Comments for classmate

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by: S'ambrosia


I rejoiced with you as I read the first part of your message (about your friend getting saved), and then my heart was saddened to hear the other things he's been going through.

It's awesome that he made the decision to give his life over to the Lord, but the decisions he's made since then show that he might not understand what it means to fully give his life over to the Lord. If he did, he wouldn't have to struggle with the pain anymore that's he's facing. I'm not sure what happened right after he got saved, but with new believers it's VERY important that they have a strong support to support them and disciple them. Where did he get saved? At a church? Is there anyone there at the church or at the school that could mentor him? Have you personally tried talking to him about what's going on with him? He really needs people to walk alongside of him as he's trying to find his way to God.

Most importantly, he needs people to keep praying. I've recently heard testimonies about some people you never would've thought would turn their lives around, but a small group of friends committed to praying for them and one day the Lord broke in. I believe He'll do the same for your friend, and I'll be praying too. You've already seen what prayer can do, so don't give up!

by: Karolyn

I agree. Prayer is powerful. Pray...PRAY...PRAY! That's what you can do! Prayer if more powerful than anything. Well excpet God. :) I hope your friend will find God again. I'll pray for him.

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